Cost: The cost for the event will be $45 per person. The cost is based on the ball provider's fee, building rental costs, and refreshments. If you choose to rent costumes, those rentals are a separate transaction with Saunders Rental.

Family early-bird discount: $5 off each additional person in a family (immediate family only) after the first person. In other words, the first person pays $45 and all succeeding family members pay $40, if you register and pay online by November 30. Any registrations after November 30 will be $45 per person. Please note: Anyone outside of your immediate family must register and pay separately.

Deadline for late registration is December 31. No registrations accepted after December 31. UPDATE: Registration extended to midnight, January 13, 2024, due to the ball falling on a later weekend in 2024.

Refunds: You may receive a full refund prior to December 1, a half refund prior to December 31, and no refund after December 31. Please email your request to

Please note: Anyone outside of your immediate family must register and pay separately.

To Register: Click above on "registration" in the menu bar.